Level 9 Regionals was last weekend and overall was a success. I hit all of my routines and placed 3rd on Beam with a 9.45. I also qualified to Eastern Nationals as the 1st Alternate!
Thinking back over this past year, I really am proud of myself. After a year of shutdowns, Zoom training, broken toes and fingers, facemasks, and virtual meets, I really am thankful there was a competition season at all and I am proud of my progress and being able to get this far.
I am so excited to go to Atlanta for Easterns as 1st Alternate. I am proud to back up my Region 5 team and will train hard to be ready to compete if I am needed. If not, I will also work hard and be the best superfan cheering on my Region 5 Junior 5 team! We are Region 5!